Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

How awesome is the internet! And pinterest! And blogs! While I may spend too much time on them my kids at least benefit from it.

Last weekend we were snowed in. And by snowed in I mean we got 5 inches, so I wasn't going anywhere. My kids were getting restless and I remembered this pin,

so we made these:

 I also made some heart stamps out of apples ( we were out of potatoes)

And last night while the girls were making valentine's for their family I printed off a couple of these
And they turned out so cute.
#2 is still working on writing her name, although she usually does a better job.

 Last night while the kiddos where sleeping I whipped up these. Another pinterest idea,

 but I dipped mine in chocolate to make them seem more like kisses.

And then what holiday wouldn't be complete without being inspired by something from Made.
I saw this tutorial and knew my girls would love the shirts. They were so quick and easy!

Of course getting my girls all dressed at the same time and posed normal is out of the question.

 I tied up their shirts with ribbon and placed them in their room with a cute box stuffed with a pair of socks(courtesy of the Target dollar section that was half off yesterday!) It was fun to hear them find their gifts when they woke up.

So while my husband is probably not getting anything this year, he won't be home anyways, at least my kids know how much I love them!

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