Monday, February 7, 2011

Go and VOTE

Hey Everyone!

First I just want to say that I am working on the Houndstooth Lumberjack tutorial. I haven't forgotten, it's just been a little busy over here.

Also, a side note on the knit jammies.

1. They of course are not made from fire retardant materials so technically are not safe for kids to sleep in. Meaning, that you can't make these and then sell them. I am sure most of you know this, but just wanted to put it out there.

2. Use common sense about the buttons. I get a lot of comments about buttons all the time. I use them on my onesies that I sell and people like to say that they aren't safe for babies. Well, there are a ton of clothes out there that are sold for babies and kids of all ages with buttons. Just make sure that you sew them on nice and tight. And if your kid can pull things off, like he/she has a super crazy grip and also likes to eat things, then don't put him/her in the jammies until they are older and stop eating things like buttons. Again, common sense, but wanted to through that out there since I do get a TON of comments about buttons not being safe. Someone left a comment about what threads she likes to use to reinforce her buttons. You can read about it in the comment section in my knit jammies tutorial comment section if you want ideas for reinforcing.

And RED WEEK is up and ready for voting on SYTYC. So go and vote!

Oh, and if you make something from one of my tutorials, let me know. I would love to see what you made and maybe even share it on this here blog! Thanks!

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