This was my last project to make until the baby comes and it is DONE! So now the baby can officially come and actually have a place to sleep. We are in a 2 bedroom apartment until June. (Then we are moving to WV for residency). So space at our house is limited. I found this carriage a year ago and had to have it. It is perfect for the baby to sleep in while she is still tiny. But since it was used it needed some serious TLC. I bought new foam for the inside, cut it to fit and then made some sheets. The sheest fit all the way around and velcro at the top. I thought that would be easier than trying to make a fitted sheet. I also cut up a matress pad into 2 smaller pads to fit the carriage. So she now has 2 sets of sheets and 2 matress pads to dirty up.
And of course I had to make a matching quilt. I used all scrap fabric to make the front. And since Corduroy is still hoping for a boy, she denies knowing whether the baby is a boy or girl if anyone asks, the colors are blue and green, so we are ready for either. Just in case.
Very Cute! And it's on wheels-HANDY!
Had to tell you about a great freezer meal blog. Check it out and get some ideas for freezer meals before your baby arrives.
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